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Comcast Offers a Scary Look at a World Without Net Neutrality

October 23, 2007

Last Friday, Associated Press reporter Peter Svensson revealed that cable internet provider Comcast has been blocking, or severely restricting, customers' access to file-sharing networks like BitTorrent and Gnutella.

That article confirmed what many Comcast customers were noticing as early as last summer, according to TorrentFreak.

The ACLU of Northern California's Nicole Ozer blogged about the Comcast news yesterday, pointing out that:

Some have suggested that Comcast's conduct may in fact be illegal. Certainly, changing the terms of its service without providing users with notice raises substantial questions regarding the service provider's proper role in shaping internet traffic."

Like Verizon's censorship of NARAL, Comcast's attempt to limit peer-to-peer traffic plainly shows how much Net Neutrality legislation is still needed.

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