Faiz Shakir served as National Political Director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) from January 2017 - Marc 2019. As National Political Director, he oversaw the ACLU’s National Political Advocacy Department, which houses the organization’s Washington Legislative Office and State Advocacy and Policy departments. In his role, Shakir developed and implemented strategies to advance the organization’s priorities at the federal and state levels.
Prior to joining the ACLU, Shakir worked as one of the most senior advisers to former Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid. He directed policy and communications work for Senator Reid while also coordinating with Democratic members and staffs, key interest groups, and press to organize issue campaigns. Prior to that, Shakir served as Senior Adviser and Director of Digital Media for House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, helping wage key fights on behalf of the LGBT and Muslim American communities.
Shakir, a graduate of Harvard University and Georgetown University Law Center, also spent seven years at the Center for American Progress, helping the organization establish its identity as the leading progressive think tank in the nation. At CAP, Faiz served as a Vice President for Communications and was a founding member and editor-in-chief of, one of the top political news websites in the United States. He also advised CAP’s senior leadership on policy matters ranging from economic and domestic policy to national security and civil rights. He led a major campaign to take on Islamophobia which featured the production of a report titled "Fear, Inc."
Featured work
Jan 11, 2018
How the ACLU Plans to Engage in the 2018 Midterm Elections
Jul 28, 2017
Donald Trump Attacks Transgender People to Help Build Border Wall
Jul 19, 2017
How People Power Activists Are Driving Change
Apr 5, 2017
People Power Activists Are Already Confronting the Powers That Be From Coast to Coast and Demanding Freedom Cities
Mar 2, 2017
Jeff Sessions Must Now Tell America the Whole Truth
Mar 1, 2017
President Trump’s Speech Last Night Ignored the Human Misery and Fear He Has Already Inflicted
Feb 24, 2017
The ACLU’s Next Endeavor: Organizing the People’s Power to Resist
Jan 25, 2017
One Wasn’t Enough. Here’s Why the ACLU Is Demanding a Second Confirmation Hearing for Attorney General Nominee Jeff Sessions.