Muehler v. Mena
What's at Stake
Challenging the length, nature, and scope of the police detention of a lawful permanent resident during a police raid.
This is a Fourth Amendment challenge brought by a lawful permanent resident who was innocent of any wrongdoing but nonetheless handcuffed and detained by the police for several hours during a police raid of the home where she was living. In the course of her detention, she was also questioned by local law enfocement officers about her immigration status. The ACLU brief refutes the claim that the local police in this case had the legal authority to engage in this immigration questioning.
Legal Documents
ACLU Amicus Brief in Muehler v. Mena
Muehler v. MenaLegal Documents
ACLU Amicus Brief in Muehler v. Mena
Date Filed: 11/29/2004
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