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Hazleton: Hate Mail from the Community

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March 13, 2007

On Day Two of testimony in Lozano v. Hazleton, the ACLU of Pennsylvania's Sara Mullen describes the testimony of Latino community leader Dr. Agapito Lopez:

Other pieces of hate mail contained veiled threats. "We think you and Anna [Dr. Lopez's wife] ought to think twice before you speak," read one letter sent to the Lopezes' home. As with the other letters, the sender of this neglected to sign his or her name. Another read, "if it's brown, flush it down" next to a caricature of a Mexican man wearing a sombrero with the phrase "subhuman spic scum" written on it.

The ACLU-PA is blogging live from the trial, so stay tuned for updates. To learn more about the case, go to

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