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This Independence Day Weekend, Let's Honor Courage

July 3, 2011

The New York Times published an editorial today endorsing our call for the Obama administration to honor those who "stood up against the Bush administration's immoral torture policies:"

This modest awards proposal has lately assumed a degree of urgency. After the killing of Osama bin Laden, some - like John Yoo, the Bush Justice Department lawyer who twisted the Constitution and the Geneva Conventions to excuse the inexcusable - argued that waterboarding and other abuses were both proper and necessary.

Ten leading civil liberties and human rights groups, including the A.C.L.U. and Human Rights First, have called on President Obama to honor all who bravely said no when the country veered off course. Recognizing them would not discharge Mr. Obama's failed duty to find ways to further accountability. But it would be a start.

We’re excited that the Times has joined our call for the Obama administration to honor the soldiers and public servants who stood up against torture. Formally recognizing those who opposed the torture program would send a crucial message to government personnel about the importance of treating prisoners humanely.

But the administration needs to hear from the American people, not just the media and advocacy groups. This Independence Day weekend, join us in calling on the President to honor the courageous men and women who challenged the abuses of the Bush administration.

TAKE ACTION >>> Ask President Obama to Honor Those Who Stood Up Against Torture

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