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Habeas Sighting: New York, NY

Gabe Rottman,
Legislative Counsel,
ACLU Washington Legislative Office
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April 18, 2007

We’re not sure how he’s moving around so quickly, and these reports may not be entirely reliable, but we just got another eyewitness account, this time from a 24-year-old Columbia University graduate student in Manhattan:

I’m still trying to figure out what this means, but I was taking my parents to see “Blue Man Group” in the Village and out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of something bright green.At first I assumed it was someone's oversized handbag, but that color is really 90s, so I knew it probably wasn’t that. My mom asked if he was part of the show, but after I looked again I said “No, I think that’s Habeas Corpus!” There are missing posters for him all over town – taped up in the subway, at the gym, at Big Nick’s on Broadway.After the show, we tried to keep our eyes on him as the theatre emptied out, but we weren’t fast enough. My dad says he may have hailed a yellow cab and sped away.My mom made that funny noise she makes with her tongue and said “I hope he’s all right.” I do too. If you talk to him, please say hi!-- Mia, Columbia University Business School, New York, NY

Have you seen Habeas? Please keep your eyes peeled. E-mail your tips to

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