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Senator Feingold on Upcoming FISA Battle

Caroline Fredrickson,
Washington Legislative Office
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January 17, 2008

Today Senator Russ Feingold blogged in his DailyKos Diary about the upcoming FISA battle in the Senate. He discusses the strengths of the Judiciary Committee bill, and gives a rundown of flaws of the lesser Intelligence Committee bill. He couldn't be more spot-on:

"[The Judiciary Committee bill] is vastly preferable not only because it does not contain immunity, but also because it provides for meaningful, independent judicial oversight of the new wiretapping authorities, and more protections for the communications of Americans that get swept up in these broad new surveillance powers."

With Senator Chris Dodd, Feingold also promises to bring an amendment that would strike the telecom immunity provision from the Intelligence bill, and vows to filibuster any bill that includes such a provision.

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