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Smashing Success: Thousands of ACLU Supporters Petition President to Veto CISPA, Get Full Page Ad in Politico

Robyn Greene,
ACLU Washington Legislative Office
Kaitlyn Newman,
ACLU Action
April 15, 2013

You did it! In the two months since Reps. Rogers (R-Mich.) and Ruppersberger (D-Md.) reintroduced their privacy-busting bill CISPA, 49,513 (and counting) ACLU supporters signed one of our biggest petitions of all time, urging President Obama to protect Americans' privacy and civil liberties and veto CISPA!

To make sure members of Congress hear your passionate plea as well, we've printed a full-page ACLU Action ad opposing CISPA in today's Politico – the go-to newspaper for the who's who of Capitol Hill! Hopefully, the president and your legislators caught a glimpse of the compelling graphic while they drank their morning coffee.

Click here to see the full ad.

But while we've done some amazing things together already, the fight to "Smash CISPA Before It Smashes Us" is far from over. The House is set to vote on CISPA as early as Wednesday, and after last week's secret House Intelligence Committee mark-up, CISPA remains a serious threat to your rights. Among other problems, CISPA still:

  • Allows companies to share your personal information, like your internet records and the content of your e-mails, with military agencies like the National Security Agency
  • Fails to require companies to strip your personally identifiable information before sharing it with the government or with each other

Can you call your member of Congress today and tell them to vote "No" on CISPA before it's too late?

(And if you haven't had a chance to sign our petition yet, you can still sign it here and share it with your friends).

While you're flooding the phone lines, our lobbyists and advocates here at the ACLU will continue to make sure your voices are heard in other ways. We just sent this ACLU letter directly to the House, and have joined forces with a powerful coalition of 34 groups urging members to vote "No" on CISPA.

From the ACLU Washington Legislative Office and ACLU Action, thanks for making "Smash CISPA" such a smashing success!

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