A collage of images of abortion activists who contributed their quotes.
A collage of images of abortion activists who contributed their quotes.
People who have had abortions share how abortion access changed their lives.
July 7, 2022
People who have had abortions share how abortion access changed their lives.

Everyone deserves the right to decide when and whether to start a family, no matter where they live. But since the Supreme Court’s shameful decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, 13 states have banned abortion from the earliest stages of pregnancy.

To demonstrate what’s at stake, we called for stories from people who have had abortions — people of all genders, ages, faiths, and socioeconomic backgrounds — to tell us why abortion should be a fundamental right.

Abortion is Essential

Forcing women and other people to carry a pregnancy against their will has life-altering consequences, including enduring serious health risks from continued pregnancy and childbirth, making it harder to escape poverty, and derailing their education and career plans. These are just some of the factors that may impact a person’s decision to seek an abortion, and why abortion access is essential.

“When I found out I was pregnant I was so scared, I was too immature and would have no support to raise a child. So I got an abortion. I have absolutely no regrets.” – Anonymous, Ohio
“I couldn't cope with disappointing my parents and knew if I had this child with this guy, I would be doing it all on my own.” – Anonymous, California
“It was 1971. I had just graduated from college. My only income came from making and selling paper mâché puppets in Harvard Square.” – Jane, New York
It was the right decision for me and the children that I has already brought into this world that needed me to take the time to heal and figure out how to adequately care for them as a single mom.” — Elizabeth, Georgia
“I was in an abusive relationship, severely depressed, and in my first semester of law school. My abortion saved my life.” – Anonymous, Michigan
People who are unable to obtain an abortion are 4x more likely to live in poverty in the future.
“It was the right choice for me and MY health. Physically, mentally, and financially.” – Anonymous, California
I was in college, I was very dedicated to my career, I knew I was not going to marry this guy, and quite frankly, I was just not ready to be a mom.” — Rachel, Florida
“Why? Because I didn’t want to be pregnant. That’s a good enough reason.” – Anonymous, Oklahoma
“I knew what it was like to have a parent that ‘didn’t want you’ and another parent that was absent/estranged. It wasn’t the life I wanted for my child.” – Courtney, Michigan
“I was unequipped to handle that sort of personal crisis on my own, uninformed about my body or how to protect myself, what to do if the worst thing I could possibly imagine happened (because that was the very worst thing I could imagine).” – Dee Dee,
“When I found out I was pregnant I was so scared, I was too immature and would have no support to raise a child. So I got an abortion. I have absolutely no regrets.” – Anonymous, Ohio
“I couldn't cope with disappointing my parents and knew if I had this child with this guy, I would be doing it all on my own.” – Anonymous, California
“It was 1971. I had just graduated from college. My only income came from making and selling paper mâché puppets in Harvard Square.” – Jane, New York
It was the right decision for me and the children that I has already brought into this world that needed me to take the time to heal and figure out how to adequately care for them as a single mom.” — Elizabeth, Georgia
“I was in an abusive relationship, severely depressed, and in my first semester of law school. My abortion saved my life.” – Anonymous, Michigan
People who are unable to obtain an abortion are 4x more likely to live in poverty in the future.
“It was the right choice for me and MY health. Physically, mentally, and financially.” – Anonymous, California
I was in college, I was very dedicated to my career, I knew I was not going to marry this guy, and quite frankly, I was just not ready to be a mom.” — Rachel, Florida
“When I found out I was pregnant I was so scared, I was too immature and would have no support to raise a child. So I got an abortion. I have absolutely no regrets.” – Anonymous, Ohio
“I was in an abusive relationship, severely depressed, and in my first semester of law school. My abortion saved my life.” – Anonymous, Michigan
“Why? Because I didn’t want to be pregnant. That’s a good enough reason.” – Anonymous, Oklahoma
“I couldn't cope with disappointing my parents and knew if I had this child with this guy, I would be doing it all on my own.” – Anonymous, California
People who are unable to obtain an abortion are 4x more likely to live in poverty in the future.
“I knew what it was like to have a parent that ‘didn’t want you’ and another parent that was absent/estranged. It wasn’t the life I wanted for my child.” – Courtney, Michigan
“It was 1971. I had just graduated from college. My only income came from making and selling paper mâché puppets in Harvard Square.” – Jane, New York
“It was the right choice for me and MY health. Physically, mentally, and financially.” – Anonymous, California
“I was unequipped to handle that sort of personal crisis on my own, uninformed about my body or how to protect myself, what to do if the worst thing I could possibly imagine happened (because that was the very worst thing I could imagine).” – Dee Dee,
It was the right decision for me and the children that I has already brought into this world that needed me to take the time to heal and figure out how to adequately care for them as a single mom.” — Elizabeth, Georgia
I was in college, I was very dedicated to my career, I knew I was not going to marry this guy, and quite frankly, I was just not ready to be a mom.” — Rachel, Florida

Abortion is Liberating

Abortion access allows us to make decisions about our own health, decide if and when to have a child, and pursue the education and career of our dreams. For many, abortion is liberation, allowing for bodily autonomy and the ability to determine our own futures.

“Hearing I wasn’t pregnant anymore made me feel like I got MY life back, I got a second chance to plan how I want to be a mother in the future and not be forced into it. And for that I’m so grateful!” – Anonymous, Florida
“I was able to graduate college, travel and continue my life plan that never involved being a mother.” – Anonymous, California
“I get to live the life I want, and live it at my own pace. I want to have a baby one day, but I’m not ready yet.” – Katherine, Washington
"I was able to serve in the Peace Corps, teach young women about repro health, go to grad school, and now I work at the global level towards achieving equitable access to repro health."
“Having an abortion was the single most important thing I did to secure my future and gain my life back.” – Angela, California
“This is what abortion looks like. A 21 year old trans man who was given a choice between living or dying. And it was rather obvious what the preferred choice there was. I’m still breathing because I was lucky enough to be able to access such an option.” – Kris, Florida
“I didn’t experience guilt or trauma, I experienced relief. Relief that I had a second chance to straighten my life out which I did. no-one and I mean no-one should have made that decision for me.” – Carolyn, Arizona
“I made a deal with myself — having the abortion meant I would finish my college degree. [It] took me 9 years of “paying as I went” but [I] completed my college education.” – Courtney, Michigan
“The abortion was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was a college student and would have never finished. I now have a masters degree. More importantly, I would have been forever tied to that horrible man.” – Sarah, California
My abortion made it so that I was able to get back into college, complete my engineering degree, and address mental health issues stemming from my abusive childhood. Without that, I fear the cycle of poverty & abuse of my single parent upbringing would have persisted.” – Cara, New Jersey
“I get to live the life I want, and live it at my own pace. I want to have a baby one day, but I’m not ready yet.” – Katherine, Washington
“An abortion gave me a path out of my bad marriage.” – Anonymous, California
“Getting an abortion allowed me to go to college that fall which eventually led to being the first person in my family with a PhD. I have no regrets, and I know that I wouldn’t have the family I have now without it.” – Amanda, Oregon
“I ended up graduating college twice, and am now a Registered Nurse. I can’t help but think sometimes that I would have never accomplished all that I have if I had decided not to terminate the pregnancy.” – Amanda, Iowa
“Hearing I wasn’t pregnant anymore made me feel like I got MY life back, I got a second chance to plan how I want to be a mother in the future and not be forced into it. And for that I’m so grateful!” – Anonymous, Florida
“I was able to graduate college, travel and continue my life plan that never involved being a mother.” – Anonymous, California
“I get to live the life I want, and live it at my own pace. I want to have a baby one day, but I’m not ready yet.” – Katherine, Washington
"I was able to serve in the Peace Corps, teach young women about repro health, go to grad school, and now I work at the global level towards achieving equitable access to repro health."
“Having an abortion was the single most important thing I did to secure my future and gain my life back.” – Angela, California
“This is what abortion looks like. A 21 year old trans man who was given a choice between living or dying. And it was rather obvious what the preferred choice there was. I’m still breathing because I was lucky enough to be able to access such an option.” – Kris, Florida
“I didn’t experience guilt or trauma, I experienced relief. Relief that I had a second chance to straighten my life out which I did. no-one and I mean no-one should have made that decision for me.” – Carolyn, Arizona
“I made a deal with myself — having the abortion meant I would finish my college degree. [It] took me 9 years of “paying as I went” but [I] completed my college education.” – Courtney, Michigan
“The abortion was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was a college student and would have never finished. I now have a masters degree. More importantly, I would have been forever tied to that horrible man.” – Sarah, California
“Hearing I wasn’t pregnant anymore made me feel like I got MY life back, I got a second chance to plan how I want to be a mother in the future and not be forced into it. And for that I’m so grateful!” – Anonymous, Florida
“This is what abortion looks like. A 21 year old trans man who was given a choice between living or dying. And it was rather obvious what the preferred choice there was. I’m still breathing because I was lucky enough to be able to access such an option.” – Kris, Florida
My abortion made it so that I was able to get back into college, complete my engineering degree, and address mental health issues stemming from my abusive childhood. Without that, I fear the cycle of poverty & abuse of my single parent upbringing would have persisted.” – Cara, New Jersey
“I was able to graduate college, travel and continue my life plan that never involved being a mother.” – Anonymous, California
“I didn’t experience guilt or trauma, I experienced relief. Relief that I had a second chance to straighten my life out which I did. no-one and I mean no-one should have made that decision for me.” – Carolyn, Arizona
“I get to live the life I want, and live it at my own pace. I want to have a baby one day, but I’m not ready yet.” – Katherine, Washington
“I get to live the life I want, and live it at my own pace. I want to have a baby one day, but I’m not ready yet.” – Katherine, Washington
“An abortion gave me a path out of my bad marriage.” – Anonymous, California
"I was able to serve in the Peace Corps, teach young women about repro health, go to grad school, and now I work at the global level towards achieving equitable access to repro health."
“I made a deal with myself — having the abortion meant I would finish my college degree. [It] took me 9 years of “paying as I went” but [I] completed my college education.” – Courtney, Michigan
“Getting an abortion allowed me to go to college that fall which eventually led to being the first person in my family with a PhD. I have no regrets, and I know that I wouldn’t have the family I have now without it.” – Amanda, Oregon
“Having an abortion was the single most important thing I did to secure my future and gain my life back.” – Angela, California
“The abortion was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was a college student and would have never finished. I now have a masters degree. More importantly, I would have been forever tied to that horrible man.” – Sarah, California
“I ended up graduating college twice, and am now a Registered Nurse. I can’t help but think sometimes that I would have never accomplished all that I have if I had decided not to terminate the pregnancy.” – Amanda, Iowa

Abortion is Health Care

Pregnancy and childbirth can pose serious health risks that can last a lifetime. For many, abortion access is a matter of life or death. Abortion is essential health care.

I took control and had an uninvasive medical procedure to keep my body and life healthy. The end.” – Sarah, Michigan
“I have an autoimmune disease that they told me in my 20's would make me a high-risk pregnancy. I definitely wasn't willing to risk my life for an unplanned pregnancy.” – Anonymous, California
“My abortion saved my life. I had an ectopic pregnancy which put my life at risk. I couldn’t leave my two children motherless.” – Anonymous, California
“It’s my body. I should come before any clump of cells.” – Anonymous, Michigan
“Pregnancy changes our bodies and our hormones, and some of those changes are permanent. My body has never been the same since having my 2 kids, and I can’t imagine putting my body through that when I wasn’t ready or willing.” – Virginia, California
“After my second child my health declined incredibly rapidly […] No one should be forced to sacrifice their body and potential well-being for another person. Period.” – Sarah, Michigan
“They are signing death warrants for many women with a stroke of their pen.” - Carolyn, Arizona
“When someone needs their appendix out, we don’t ask if they have a right to. It’s medically necessary to that person the same way a woman thinks it’s medically or mentally necessary to have an abortion.” – Anonymous, Ohio
I took control and had an uninvasive medical procedure to keep my body and life healthy. The end.” – Sarah, Michigan
“I have an autoimmune disease that they told me in my 20's would make me a high-risk pregnancy. I definitely wasn't willing to risk my life for an unplanned pregnancy.” – Anonymous, California
“My abortion saved my life. I had an ectopic pregnancy which put my life at risk. I couldn’t leave my two children motherless.” – Anonymous, California
“It’s my body. I should come before any clump of cells.” – Anonymous, Michigan
“Pregnancy changes our bodies and our hormones, and some of those changes are permanent. My body has never been the same since having my 2 kids, and I can’t imagine putting my body through that when I wasn’t ready or willing.” – Virginia, California
I took control and had an uninvasive medical procedure to keep my body and life healthy. The end.” – Sarah, Michigan
“It’s my body. I should come before any clump of cells.” – Anonymous, Michigan
“After my second child my health declined incredibly rapidly […] No one should be forced to sacrifice their body and potential well-being for another person. Period.” – Sarah, Michigan
“I have an autoimmune disease that they told me in my 20's would make me a high-risk pregnancy. I definitely wasn't willing to risk my life for an unplanned pregnancy.” – Anonymous, California
“They are signing death warrants for many women with a stroke of their pen.” - Carolyn, Arizona
“My abortion saved my life. I had an ectopic pregnancy which put my life at risk. I couldn’t leave my two children motherless.” – Anonymous, California
“Pregnancy changes our bodies and our hormones, and some of those changes are permanent. My body has never been the same since having my 2 kids, and I can’t imagine putting my body through that when I wasn’t ready or willing.” – Virginia, California
“When someone needs their appendix out, we don’t ask if they have a right to. It’s medically necessary to that person the same way a woman thinks it’s medically or mentally necessary to have an abortion.” – Anonymous, Ohio

Abortion is Our Right

The ability to decide when and whether to have a child is a fundamental right. No matter where we live, how much money we make, or who we are, we should all be able to control our own bodies, and make the best medical decisions for our lives and families.

The battle for reproductive freedom continues in courts and legislatures across the country. Help us keep up the fight by donating now.

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