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An Illogical Execution

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August 29, 2007

Tomorrow, Texas will execute an innocent man. Kenneth Foster Jr., did not murder Michael LaHood, nor anyone else, for that matter. No, Foster will be executed for driving the car from which another person shot LaHood. If this sounds illogical, that's because it is, as Christopher Hill points out today in

[Foster] had no idea that one of his passengers, Mauriceo Brown, would jump out of the car with a gun and kill Michael LaHood. All of the passengers eventually said that they did not know what Brown would do. Even Brown said that there was no intent to kill anyone...Now, Foster is facing a death sentence because of something completely illogical in the law - a person can be executed for murder even though he did not murder anyone and did not intend that a murder take place.

Sean-Paul Kelley, a good friend of LaHood's, also blogged about the case in The Huffington Post, calling the upcoming execution "senseless vengeance, a barbarism cloaked in the black robes of justice."

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