Feature on Ashcroft v. ACLU
The ACLU welcomed a federal appeals court ruling that a law meant to safeguard children against Internet pornography would block lawful and valuable speech for adults.
The case has to do with a law passed by Congress in 1998 called the Child Online Protection Act (COPA), a broad censorship law that severely restricts any speech on the Web that is "harmful to minors," and imposes steep fines and prison terms for violators. Read more >>
Summary of Supreme Court ruling and What Happens Next
Online Chat With ACLU Lead Counsel Ann Beeson on the Supreme Court's decision to Revisit COPA (10/14/2003)
Third Circuit ruling (3/2003)
Supreme Court ruling (5/2002)
ACLU Summary of Supreme Court's Ruling
Introduction to the Case by Ann Beeson
Plaintiffs Involved in the Case
3rd Circuit Court Decision Striking Down COPA
Text of COPA (the law being ruled on by the Supreme Court)
1998 Justice Deptartment letter to Congress (expressing concerns about COPA legislation)
ACLU Letter on H.R. 4623, "Child Obscenity and Pornography Prevention Act of 2002"
Materials on Reno v. ACLU (earlier case striking Communications Decency Act)
Materials on ACLU v. Reno II (precursor to Ashcroft v. ACLU)
ACLU, et al. v. Ashcroft Brief Appealing COPA
Third circuit brief on remand from Supreme Court
Ashcroft v. ACLU et. al. Supreme Court brief
Government's Supreme Court brief
Amicus Brief by Internet Industry Associations and U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Amicus Brief by the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality
Amicus Brief by Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts and People for the American Way
Amicus Brief by the Association of American Publishers
Amicus Brief by the Association of National Advertisers
Amicus Brief by the American Society of Journalists and Authors
Supreme Court Maintains Ban on Internet Censorship Law 5/13/2002
In Supreme Court Argument, ACLU to Battle Internet Censorship Law 11/26/2001
ACLU Files Brief in Second Battle Over Internet Censorship 9/20/2001
ACLU Ready for Second Supreme Court Battle Over Internet Censorship 5/21/2001
ACLU v. Reno II Victory! Appeals Court Rejects Congress' Second Attempt at Censorship 6/22/2000
Appeals Court to Hear Arguments in Second Internet Censorship Battle 11/2/1999
ACLU Gears Up for Appeals in Challenges to Internet Censorship 9/20/1999
Internet Censorship Battle Moves to Appeals Court 4/2/1999
Rejecting Cyber-Censorship, Court Defends Online "Marketplace of Ideas" 2/1/1999
New Cyber-Censorship Law Would Fracture Internet 1/20/1999
Judge Halts Enforcement of Internet Censorship Law 11/19/1998
Coalition Files Challenge to Federal Net Censorship Law 10/22/1998
Ann Beeson, Christopher A. Hansen, and Steven R. Shapiro of the ACLU Foundation
Stefan Presser of the ACLU of Pennsylvania Foundation
David L. Sobel of the Electronic Privacy Information Center
Alexandra A.E. Shapiro, Christopher R. Harris, Michele M. Pyle, and Mark H. Goldberg of Latham & Watkins
Lee Tien of the Electronic Frontier Foundation