At Liberty Podcast
At Liberty Podcast

Activist Brittany Packnett Cunningham on Building a Lasting Movement

July 2, 2020

41:20 mins

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In the last month, protests have erupted across the country calling for justice for Black lives, a wholesale restructuring of policing, and a greater racial reckoning across all facets of American society.

It feels like change is in the air. But we’ve been here before: Eric Garner was killed by police in New York City in July 2014, followed weeks later by Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, igniting outrage and protest. Activists then hoped for change too.

We’ve seen countless social justice movements surge in popularity, cause a stir, and then peter out weeks or months later. This time, however, feels different, but how do we actually ensure that it is different?

Joining us to discuss how we sustain movements and compel real change is Brittany Packnett Cunningham, an activist, educator, and writer who has been on the frontlines of these conversations most prominently since the Ferguson protests.

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