At Liberty Podcast
At Liberty Podcast

Black Women Take the Supreme Court

February 17, 2022

34:28 mins

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Just weeks ago, Justice Steven Breyer announced his retirement from the Supreme Court, opening the door for President Biden to nominate a new judge to the bench. Keeping his campaign promise, Biden confirmed that he will be nominating a Black woman to replace Breyer, a historic move for a field that has not always welcomed Black women with open arms.

Joining us to discuss the impact of this future nomination is Ria Tabacco Mar, Director of the ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project and one of At Liberty’s most frequent guests. Ria leads the project that was founded and led by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

It should be noted before we begin this conversation that as a matter of policy, the ACLU does not endorse or oppose particular candidates for the Supreme Court, except in extraordinary circumstances.

This Episode Covers the Following Issues