ACLU of Nevada Files to Help Iraqi Refugee Unlawfully Denied Citizenship

Affiliate: ACLU of Nevada
December 19, 2016 9:15 am

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LAS VEGAS, Nev. – The ACLU of Nevada and Prudhomme Law Office filed a petition for judicial review today with the Nevada District Court on behalf of Mr. Mohammad Al Falahi seeking a de novo review of the denial of Mr. Al Falahi’s naturalization application by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The petition alleges that Mr. Al Falahi is otherwise eligible for citizenship, but his application was denied solely because USCIS surreptitiously subjected him to the unconstitutional Controlled Application Review Resolution Program (CARRP).

CARRP is a little known, and unconstitutional program, that disproportionally targets citizenship applicants from Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim and South Asian communities. Under CARRP, USCIS unjustifiably labels law abiding citizenship applicants as “national security concerns” based on lawful religious activity, national origin, and innocuous associations. Applications subject to CARRP are subject to substantial delays and are ultimately denied for pre-textual reasons - all without ever being told why their applications were treated differently than other applicants.

Today, Mr. Al Falahi is challenging the denial of his citizenship and the unconstitutional application of this program. Mr. Al Falahi is an Iraqi refugee who has been living in Las Vegas since 2008. When he arrived in the United States, he spoke little English but wanted to fully adapt to his new home. He has since become proficient in English, graduated from the College of Southern Nevada, and aspires the be an American citizen. He wants to be able make the United States his permanent home.

Yet, Mr. Al Falahi’s dreams of citizenship were subject to unjustified delays, law enforcement interference, and pre-textual denials all because he was unconstitutionally subjected to CARRP.

Amy Rose, Legal Director for the ACLU of Nevada said “no person should be denied the right to join our democracy simply because of their religion or national origin. Like all applicants for citizenship in America, Mr. Al Falahi deserves the right to a fair review of his application for citizenship.”

About American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada:

Started in 1966, the ACLU of Nevada is celebrating its 50th year of public service. The ACLU of Nevada is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed to the defense and advancement of civil liberties and civil rights for all people in Nevada. For additional information, please visit

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