NYCLU Statement on AG's Investigation of Sexual Harassment by Governor

Affiliate: ACLU of New York
August 4, 2021 10:45 am

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NEW YORK - Yesterday Attorney General Letitia James released the findings of an investigation into numerous allegations of sexual harassment by Governor Cuomo. The report detailed these accounts, affirmed the claims of the women who came forward, and outlined a pattern of abuse of power by the governor. In response, the New York Civil Liberties Union issued the following statement from executive director Donna Lieberman:

"The findings of the AG’s report are deeply disturbing: Governor Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women, engaged in a pattern of unwanted touching, created a toxic work environment, and retaliated against one person who made her allegations public.

"As a public official who represents all New Yorkers, the Governor must be held accountable for harassing and intimidating people who serve in his office. To the extent the Governor uses the excuse that he regularly behaves this way, it only makes his actions more unacceptable.

"The #MeToo movement has prompted more people to share their stories. Every allegation must be taken seriously and fully investigated. We applaud and send our solidarity to the women who came forward to speak about their experiences in New York’s executive branch.

"It is beyond time to engage in a deeper reckoning about this kind of pervasive sex discrimination and sexual assault in all corners, and in every workplace - no matter how powerful."

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