Nov 16, 2018
ACLU Statement on Secretary DeVos’s Proposed Rule on Title IX
NEW YORK — Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos issued a notice of proposed rulemaking related to Title IX and sexual assault on campus. Louise Melling, American Civil Liberties Un...
Issue Areas: Women's Rights
Nov 01, 2018
Civil Rights Groups File Brief in Support of Equal Pay Act Case Against VA Medical Center
WASHINGTON – The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of the District of Columbia, the ACLU of Arkansas, and 23 women’s rights organizations have filed a friend-of-the-cour...
Issue Areas: Women's Rights
Oct 31, 2018
ACLU Statement on 40th Anniversary of Pregnancy Discrimination Act
NEW YORK — Today marks the 40th anniversary of the passage of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), the first federal statute making it illegal to discriminate against women in...
Issue Areas: Women's Rights
Sep 28, 2018
ACLU Statement on Defense Secretary Mattis’ Speech at the Virginia Military Institute
NEW YORK — Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis addressed Virginia Military Institute cadets this week and expressed skepticism about women serving in combat roles. Gillian Thomas, se...
Issue Areas: Women's Rights
Sep 20, 2018
Former Congressional Staffers, Survivors of Workplace Sexual Harassment, Call for Action from Congressional Leadership
In Letter, Survivors Call for Passage of Legislation that Reforms the Outdated and Traumatizing System for Addressing Harassment and Discrimination
Issue Areas: Women's Rights
Sep 18, 2018
ACLU and Workers Take On Facebook for Gender Discrimination in Job Ads
Class Action Bias Charges Target Facebook and 10 Employers for Excluding Women from Receiving Job Ads on Facebook
Issue Areas: Women's Rights
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