May 10, 2016
ACLU Files Discrimination Charges Against Frontier Airlines on Behalf of Breast-Feeding Pilots
EEOC Complaint Alleges Airline Management Ignored Requests to Accommodate Pumping
Issue Areas: Women's Rights
Mar 21, 2016
Arizona City Repeals ‘Nuisance’ Law Challenged by ACLU on Behalf of Domestic Violence Survivor
Surprise, Ariz., Can No Longer Threaten Crime Victims With Eviction for Calling Police
Dec 03, 2015
Department of Defense Opens All Military Combat Jobs to Women with No Exceptions
WASHINGTON – Secretary of Defense Ash Carter today announced that the U.S. armed forces will open all combat jobs, units, and schools to qualified women beginning next year, maki...
Issue Areas: Women's Rights
Nov 10, 2015
ACLU Comment on President Obama’s Support of the Equality Act
WASHINGTON — Today, President Obama endorsed the federal Equality Act, a bill that would prohibit discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans and expa...
Jun 25, 2015
ACLU Comment on Supreme Court Ruling in Housing Discrimination Case
WASHINGTON – In a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court today ruled that the 1968 Fair Housing Act continues to protect victims of discrimination, even where they cannot prove int...
Jun 04, 2015
Congress Introduces Bill to Protect Pregnant Women in the Workplace
WASHINGTON – A bipartisan group of lawmakers today introduced the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, a bill that would require employers to make reasonable job modifications that all...
Issue Areas: Women's Rights
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