Nov 21, 2017
ACLU Comment on FCC Plan to End Net Neutrality
WASHINGTON — Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai released today a draft order that, if adopted, would remove broadband internet access protections and repeal what...
Issue Areas: Privacy & Technology
Oct 13, 2017
ACLU, Coalition Won’t Support Current Version of House Surveillance Bill
Over 40 Groups Say Bill Leaves Open Too Many Loopholes, Leaving Americans Vulnerable to Warrantless Spying
Issue Areas: Privacy & Technology
Oct 03, 2017
ACLU-DC Seeks Protection for Personal Facebook Accounts Against Inauguration Day Search Warrants
Overbroad Search Warrant Implicates Private Pages of Two Local Activists and First Amendment Rights of Thousands of Facebook Users
Issue Areas: Privacy & Technology
Sep 13, 2017
ACLU & EFF Sue Over Warrantless Phone and Laptop Searches at U.S. Border
Lawsuit on Behalf of 11 Travelers Challenges Searches of Electronic Devices as Unconstitutional
Issue Areas: Privacy & Technology
Aug 15, 2017
Jul 27, 2017
ACLU Statement on Introduction of Electronic Communications Privacy Modernization Act
WASHINGTON — Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) introduced today the ECPA Modernization Act of 2017, a bill to reform the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of ...
Issue Areas: Privacy & Technology
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