Jul 17, 2017
ACLU Responds to Minneapolis Police Officers’ Failure to Activate Body Cameras in the Justine Damond Killing
ST. PAUL, Minn. –The following statement can be attributed to Teresa Nelson, interim executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota, in response to the kil...
Issue Areas: Privacy & Technology
Jun 07, 2017
ACLU Statement on Trump Support of Reauthorizing NSA Surveillance Authority
WASHINGTON — In a New York Times op-ed published today, the Trump White House said it is backing a bill introduced yesterday by Sen. Cotton to permanently reauthorize Section 702...
Issue Areas: Privacy & Technology
Jun 05, 2017
Supreme Court to Hear First Cell Phone Location Data Case
ACLU Represents Man In Case Where Police Obtained Months’ Worth of Cell Phone Location Information Without a Warrant
Issue Areas: Privacy & Technology
May 19, 2017
ACLU Seeks Documents on ICE’s Use of Cell Phone Trackers
Use of ‘Stingray’ Devices Raises Privacy Concerns Amid Trump Administration’s Immigration Crackdown
May 12, 2017
ACLU Comment on Cyberattacks Using NSA Tools
NEW YORK — Cyberattacks in Europe and Asia have been reported today that apparently used leaked National Security Agency hacking tools. Patrick Toomey, a staff attorney with the...
Issue Areas: Privacy & Technology
Apr 26, 2017
ACLU Statement on FCC Proposal to Reverse Net Neutrality Rules
WASHINGTON — Former Verizon lawyer and FCC Chairman Ajit Pai today announced a plan to take net neutrality protections away from millions of internet users. Michael Macleod-Ball,...
Issue Areas: Privacy & Technology
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