Oct 18, 2016
ACLU Urges Justice Department to Investigate Police Use of Face Recognition
WASHINGTON — The American Civil Liberties Union sent a letter today to the Justice Department urging it to investigate the increasing use and impact of face recognition by police...
Issue Areas: Privacy & Technology
Sep 26, 2016
ACLU: Charlotte Police Must Release All Footage of Keith Lamont Scott Shooting; Disclosed Videos Raise Many Questions
CHARLOTTE – The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of North Carolina joins those calling on the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) to publicly release all body and...
Sep 21, 2016
Community Control Over Police Surveillance Effort Launches with First Wave of Legislation in 11 Cities
Bills Aim to Introduce Transparency and Accountability Into the Purchase and Use of Police Surveillance Tools
Issue Areas: Privacy & Technology
Aug 24, 2016
Jul 28, 2016
ACLU Joins Lawsuit to Defend Confidential Medical Records from Warrantless Federal DEA Searches
SALT LAKE CITY— The American Civil Liberties Union of Utah and the national ACLU have filed a motion in federal court challenging the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s aut...
Issue Areas: Privacy & Technology
Jun 29, 2016
ACLU Challenges Law Preventing Studies on ‘Big Data’ Discrimination
First Amendment Lawsuit Brought on Behalf of Academic Researchers and Journalists Who Fear Prosecution Under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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The American Civil Liberties Union has media staff available to handle inquiries from journalists on national issues affecting civil liberties, including questions on legislative matters that touch on civil liberties and constitutional freedoms and inquiries related to ACLU lawsuits.

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