Apr 25, 2023
New Evidence of Horrific Treatment of Pregnant People in CBP Custody Reignites Demands For Change
180 Organizations and Medical Professionals Sign Letter to Acting Commissioner Tiller Demanding CBP Strictly Limit Detention of Pregnant, Postpartum, Nursing People, Their Infants
Feb 28, 2023
LA County Violates Court Order and Perpetuates Horrific Jail Conditions
ACLU Calls for the Board of Supervisors and Sheriff to be Held in Contempt
Court case: Rutherford v. Luna
Feb 02, 2023
Jan 09, 2023
Federal Judge Issues Sweeping Remedial Order to Arizona Prison Officials 
The order describes detailed steps Arizona prison officials must take to bring conditions up to constitutional standards
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Court case: Jensen v. Thornell
Sep 08, 2022
ACLU Seeks Court Order Against L.A. County Over Horrific Conditions at Jail Facility
County’s failure to properly fund alternatives has contributed to abysmal conditions
Issue Areas: Prisoners' Rights
Court case: Rutherford v. Luna
Aug 23, 2022
ACLU and ACLU of North Carolina Urge Court to End Health Care Delays Faced by Incarcerated Transgender Woman
CONTACT Gillian Branstetter, gbranstetter@aclu.org Olivia Neal, oneal@acluofnc.org CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Today, attorneys for the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civi...
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