Nov 27, 2023
ACLU and Digital Rights Groups Support Nonprofit in Lawsuit Over Its Reports Critical of Content on X
SAN FRANCISCO — The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Northern California, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia Univ...
Nov 07, 2023
ACLU Applauds Introduction of Bipartisan Government Surveillance Reform Act to Rein in Warrantless Government Surveillance
Sens. Wyden and Lee’s Bill Would Protect Americans Against Several Types of Warrantless U.S. Government Surveillance
Oct 03, 2023
New ACLU Report Shines Light on Shadowy EdTech Surveillance Industry and the Dangerous Consequences of Surveillance in Schools
ACLU Urges Schools to Protect Students and Promote Better Student Surveillance Technology Decision-Making
Sep 28, 2023
ACLU Applauds Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board Report and Urges Congress to Fundamentally Reform Section 702
The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board Called for Major Changes to Law the Government Uses to Warrantlessly Surveil Americans’ International Communications
Issue Areas: Privacy & Technology
Sep 25, 2023
ACLU Urges Congress to Strike Down Dangerous Legislation Threatening to Destroy Digital Privacy and Free Speech Online
In a letter to lawmakers, the ACLU and 60 partner organizations opposed the STOP CSAM act, citing significant harms to free speech and an increase in government surveillance.
Sep 08, 2023
ACLU Celebrates Senate Doing Its Job and Appointing a Fifth FCC Commissioner
WASHINGTON — After being deadlocked for over two years, Congress finally confirmed a fifth commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) yesterday. With the confirm...
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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