Sep 05, 2023
ACLU Condemns Unprecedented RICO Indictment of People Protesting Construction of Controversial Police Training Center in Georgia
ATLANTA — Georgia’s attorney general has obtained indictments against more than 60 people, alleging violations of the state’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (...
Aug 21, 2023
ACLU Submits Amicus Brief Supporting Constitutionality of Restrictions on Gun Possession by Individuals Subject to Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
NEW YORK — Today, the American Civil Liberties Union submitted an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in United States v. Rahimi, a Second Amendment challenge to the federal l...
Jul 06, 2023
Lawsuit Challenges Unequal Response to Mental Health Emergencies in Washington, DC
WASHINGTON — Bread for the City, a D.C.-based nonprofit supporting underserved communities, filed a federal lawsuit today challenging the District of Columbia’s practice of sen...
Jun 22, 2023
ACLU Reaches Landmark Settlement in L.A. County Jails Case
LOS ANGELES – Today, U.S. District Judge Dean D. Pregerson approved an extraordinary settlement between people incarcerated in Los Angeles jails — represented by the ACLU Natio...
Court case: Rutherford v. Luna
Jun 22, 2023
ACLU Comment on Supreme Court’s Decision in Jones v. Hendrix
WASHINGTON – Today, in Jones v. Hendrix, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority ruled that federally incarcerated people who are actually innocent – because a prior decisi...
Issue Areas: Criminal Law Reform
Court case: Jones v. Hendrix
Jun 22, 2023
New Records Detail How the FBI Pressures Police to Keep Use of Shady Phone Surveillance Technology a Secret
The records, which the ACLU obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, shed light on the secrecy agreements the FBI forces state and local law enforcement agencies to sign if they want to use cell site simulators
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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