No Eviction Without Representation

Document Date: May 11, 2022

Tenants’ right to legal representation in eviction cases is a civil liberties issue, a gender justice, racial justice, and economic justice issue. As part of the ACLU’s housing justice work, this Research Brief, No Eviction Without Representation: Evictions’ Disproportionate Harms and the Promise of Right to Counsel, written in partnership with the National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel, provides an overview of the devastating consequences of eviction and considers evidence on providing legal representation as a way to reduce evictions and mitigate these harms. Drawing from existing research and evaluation studies of these programs, this Brief presents research that documents the benefits of having access to counsel in eviction cases for families and communities. The Brief concludes with recommendations calling on federal, state, and local governments to support a right to counsel for renters facing eviction and further housing justice.

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